• Karel Vesely's avatar
    trunk,nnet1: warning! changes to Component/Nnet interaface to be closer to... · f5e6285e
    Karel Vesely authored
    trunk,nnet1: warning! changes to Component/Nnet interaface to be closer to Dan's, you may need to fix your extensions to nnet1 code, main changes are:
    - nnet files now have optional begin/end tokens <Nnet></Nnet> (backward compatibility)
    - in the Nnet API, "*Layer" was replaced by "*Component", which better corresponds to code
    - removed *Nnet pointer from Component and constructors, it was unused
    - addded Component::Copy() method, simplified nnet consistency checks Nnet::Check()
    - fixed "Copyright" notices
    git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/kaldi/code/trunk@3102 5e6a8d80-dfce-4ca6-a32a-6e07a63d50c8
nnet-nnet.h 4.71 KB