• Matthieu Mandoula's avatar
    Acceptance test to check login (#5393) · 98914c84
    Matthieu Mandoula authored
    * SpecialCharactersInContact config added
    * SpecialCharactersInContact.feature added
    * features/bootstrap/SpecialCharactersInContact acceptance test
    * * Change private properties to protected in SpecialCharactersInContactContext class
    * Update gitignore file
    * theNewRecordIsDisplayedInTheUsersListWithTheNewAliasValue function updated
    * configurationPage initial scrypt
    * LdapConfiguration added in behat.yml
    * LdapConfiguration feature created
    * LdapConfigurationContext acceptance test added
    * nothing changed
    * LdapConfigurationContext implemented with basics properties
    *  LdapConfiguration.feature updated
    * methods changed related to the updated feature
    * indentation udpdated
    * LdapConfiguration test completed
    * conditions added if modifications are correct
    * ControlLogin acceptance test added into behat.yml
    * acceptance test ControlLogin implemented
    * improve acceptance test to check login
    * update error message for login check
ControlLogin.feature 570 Bytes